Pani Zuzanna Trojnar zdobyła pierwszą nagrodę w sesji Health sciences & epidemiology podczas 9 Międzynarodowego Warszawskiego Kongresu Studenckiego WIMC 2013 z wystąpieniem "The prevalence of IgA and IgG antibodies against adenoviruses in serum of children aged 11-27 months hospitalized in Litewska Children's Hospital in Warsaw".
Pani Anna Podsiadłowska zdobyła trzecią nagrodę w sesji Pulmonology&Allergology podczas 9 Międzynarodowego Warszawskiego Kongresu Studenckiego WIMC 2013 z wystąpieniem "Assessment of allergen-specific T cells in children with allergy before and after one year of allergen specific sublingual immunotherapy".
1. Stelmaszczyk-Emmel A., Zawadzka-Krajewska A., Szypowska A., Podsiadłowska A., Kulus M., Demkow U. CD4+CD25highFoxP3+ regulatory T cells in the course of atopic diseases in children. Advances in Pneumology 2012, Wrocław 5-6.10.2012
2. Trojnar Z., Demkow M., Ciepiela O. Setting the Phagoburst™ Glycotope Biotechnology reading parameters with use of Cytomics FC500 Beckman Coulter flow cytometer. Arch Med Sci 2013; 2, suppl. 1:s20
3. Trojnar Z., Ciepiela O., Demkow U. The prevalence of IgA and IgG antibodies against adenoviruses in serum of children aged 11-27 months hospitalized in Litewska Children’s Hospital, Warsaw, Poland. Arch Med Sci 2013; 2, suppl. 1:s179
4. Demkow M., Trojnar Z., Zawadzka-Krajewska A., Demkow U., Ciepiela O. Surface expression of Mac-1 integrin on granulocytes from asthmatic children is decreased comparing with healthy subjects. Arch Med Sci 2013; 2, suppl. 1:s338
5. Podsiadlowska A. , Stelmaszczyk-Emmel A., Wysmolek M., Zawadzka-Krajewska A., Demkow U. Assessment of allergen-specific T cells in children with allergy before and one year after allergen-specific sublingual immunotherapy (ASIT). Arch Med Sci 2013; 2, suppl. 1:s339
6. Kotula I., Mergalska K., Ciepiela O., Demkow U., Radgowska A. The usefulness of reticulocyte parameters in diagnostics of hereditary spherocytosis in children. Biochimica clinica 2013;37: s626